EVA & ADELE – FRU FRU in Asbaek Gallery presents works from the series MEDIAPLASTIC, FUTURING COMPANY and new oil on canvas pictures focusing on the aspect of painting in the work of EVA & ADELE
EVA & ADELE: Mediaplastic No. 10, The New York Times, 200 x 150 cm, olie på lærred |
EVA & ADELE - While browsing the major artistic expressions of contemporary art for more than ten years and, while traveling through the world in their stylized pink motor home, EVA & ADELE, living icons of contemporary art, became known, recognized, popular figures. Considering that "everything that they do and are is a work of art", they develop an outstanding production, based on ideas of permanent interchange with the public, in a real symbiosis between art and mass culture, between public and private life, ignoring all barriers or frontiers: these are the "Grenzüberschreiter " EVA & ADELE.
MEDIAPLASTIC - relates the public aspects of EVA & ADELE'S life, with the underlying idea of conservation, visualization and commutation of these snapshots of publication and living communication which are the couple's photographs published in magazines or newspapers from all over the world. Their very specific appearance being constantly exposed in the media, they use the media consciously as an exhibition display surface.
Thus, EVA & ADELE reintroduce in the artistic sphere the diffusion of their private and public image and present the conceptual aspect of their work through the intermediary of the traditional drawing. In MEDIAPLASTIC, the media becomes an original art work itself and the original work is in its turn a picture of the media, also reflecting there the abolition of borders between genres, between artificial and natural, between revealed public image and secret private reality.
FUTURING COMPANY - these drawings are developed from the self-portraits/Polaroids that EVA & ADELE accomplish daily on their course through the world, like a diary. They are very expressive, the artists transcribing there their mood of the moment.
"We summarize our philosophy with the word FUTURING: the beginning after the end of art." FUTURING is EVA & ADELE's universal message, who use this semantic creation to define what they do and what they are: COMING OUT OF THE FUTURE.
[IMG 428 RIGHTIMG[L ike angels, EVA & ADELE don't have a past or a history, if it is not one that we share with them, and belong to an indefinable type, between masculine and feminine, refusing all categorization: OVER THE BOUNDARIES OF GENDER.
In the same way, EVA & ADELE don't establish separation between daily life and artistic creation, making themselves up and dressing every day as auto-stylized living sculptures, as one sees them at their public appearances: ART IS LIFE AND LIFE IS ART.
WHEREVER WE ARE IS MUSEUM - EVA & ADELE's museum is in essence public, in public space, but it duplicates itself in a more intimate dimension when one takes into account the deep, impenetrable and almost introvert work of the artists in creation - in a quest for the permanent balance that allows them to maintain and to give life to the mysterious aura that surrounds them.
EVA & ADELE - invite us thus to open our eyes on this future that belongs to us... Whatever our questions, we became for a long time EVA & ADELE'S accomplices. Rightly understood, then we are the witnesses of a great paradigm shift.